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How to Beat
Festive Burn Out

It's looking very likely that Christmas 2020 will be a much different affair than it has been in previous years, for so many of us at least. With local and national guidelines as well as lots of advisories and restrictions to take heed of, festivities this year on the big day itself, as well as in the run up, will mean some new traditions for us all. 

From missing out on all the fun and games of work meals and guessing which member of the team will end up too merry before the main course even arrives *cough* Rebecca... *cough* - to not being able to indulge in your favourite Christmas markets full of yummy food, drinks and shopping with much missed friendship groups.

Just because things will look different this year, it doesn't mean we can't seek out some joy here and there but I do have a fear that festive burn out this December might impact us all more than ever. 

If you're like me and things in the run up to the Holiday season can get a little overwhelming usually anyway, here's how I'm planning to stay festive but keep things as calm as they can be for 2020.

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It happens every year without fail for me. I run head first screaming into December buying presents, creating content, celebrating the season and trying to make things perfect in every aspect of life before realising that perfection simply isn't achievable! I'm not saying I like settling for less but sometimes it takes trying to cram 24 straight days of work, life and general festive errands pre Christmas to remind you that you are in fact human and need a break to recharge.

I think the biggest thing I've realised after taking a work break between Christmas and New Year last year is that however hard it is at first, being honest with myself about what I'm actually capable of achieving, is never something I will regret. Being realistic is not admitting you can't do enough, it's simply making sure that whatever you do achieve is done to the highest quality. No matter if that achievement is a work deadline, making sure you catch up with family on time or even making sure you take an extra long spa like bath once a week to decompress mentally. 

December and the festive season can be overwhelming with expectations and pressure during 'normal' years but for 2020 I think it's time to give yourself a break in every sense of the word. And remember that simply 'I don't want to' or 'I don't have time to' are perfectly valid reasons to protect yourself all year round but especially so in the run up to the New Year, in the midst of a global pandemic.  

After being honest with myself about what I'm truly capable of doing and achieving in the run up to Christmas, the second thing has always been implementing a similarly honest timetable of my plans. In some ways this year, there's a lot less to fit in with no in person Christmas events or travels in the pipeline but as naturally happens with this industry, it's the busiest time of year by far. Between taking on some of the biggest campaigns you'll see from your favourite follows this year, to the now virtual Christmas events we'll be attending and of course planning and executing content, giveaways and charitable causes for Frowmas - 8 days in a week seems like a reasonable request for the top of my Christmas list right? 

The biggest way I'm kind to myself though is really organising and planning to my hearts content, even if that means planning my evenings off, scheduling family Facetimes and even so far as to note down breaks for dog walks to reset as a family. It may seem a lot but my day to day throughout the year also follows these particular rules and the weight it takes off of my shoulders is immense. Doing the same for what can be a truly exhausting time of year is a must to keep things ticking over in both work and life, without feeling like the pressure is too much.

And although the thing to look forward to in December might be Christmas Day itself if you celebrate it or even New Years Eve if that's your preference, I'd also say schedule in a different day to look forward to if you can. A day that's perhaps filled with all of your favourite things, a day to spend time with yourself or your partner, a day away from social media or even a day to do nothing if that sounds like complete heaven for you. For me it's the latter, the day after we 'finish' all our work for Christmas break, a day at home with Alex and Boe to just be. Something cosy and wonderful to look forward to and to have in my sights, while this strange festive season rolls on towards the big day and new virtual traditions. And a day to look forward to always helps my mindset because even if the first 2 ways of trying best burn out don't exactly go according to plan? Having some light at the end of the tunnel always means I can breathe a breath of fresh air! 


So the top three ways I'm avoiding
the usual burn out that December always brings?

  • - Be Kind & Honest to Myself
  • - Plan, Plan, Plan!
  • - Have Something to Look Forward to

Whatever your own plans are this December I hope you and all of your loved ones stay safe, healthy and happy. After a year unlike any other I so hope as well as stopping the Christmas burn out, you can find some small joys in the festivities you do have planned. The past year may have been so very strange but I hope you know that happiness and joy can be found in even the oddest of times, because you deserve it and you deserve to smile.

Happy Holidays guys x

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