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My day to day Commute
to London and Back

We are officially moved out! We got the keys to our new home back in May, but we have been living between two houses for a little while, whilst we got some of the more important decorating and renovations done. I figured it would be a little more manageable to stay in our London flat for a touch longer until the kitchen was at least fitted in our new home - saving us living with just a microwave and not much else. It turns out that we have actually moved in 2 weeks before the kitchen is completed in its entirety, but hey ho - we've missed a big chunk of it out at least!

However, what it has allowed me, is lots of time to order huge pieces of furniture that would normally take 6-10 weeks to arrive. Ordering them back in May has meant they're all turning up right now - so thank goodness those hours and hours of trawling Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration has paid off. Thankyou for all your inspo on brands and styles!

Anyway, I digress as always. I'm now officially a commuter into London. This morning I left the house somewhat early in a cab (we don't have a car just yet), got to the station, headed into London and managed to get to a 10am meeting with some time to catch up with my managers. But - even in this one day, plus a number of others where I've visited the new house at the worst possible commuter times, I've already started to pick up on a few things that will make my commuting life so much easier in the long run...

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There is a master list I'm already drawing up in my head (and on my phone) as to what I need each and every morning for this commute. I want to refer back to this on days when I'm in a rush and bound to lose something so if you have anything else to add or some beautiful work bag recommendations let me know: 

A Large Bag: I'm currently obsessed with my new Valentino to hold all of the below. Something practical but not so huge as to knock into people on the tube repeatedly.

Door Keys: As obvious as it may seem I appear to leave home 40% of the time without them.

Phone: A no brainer!

Card Wallet: Sometimes I take it out and just leave it places in the house or in my jeans.

Earphones/Pods: You'll thank me later after hearing all of Susan's convo on the train/tube.

A Portable Phone Charger: For when your phone is running out of battery and your train ticket is also on said phone. Speaking from experience here.

A Water Bottle: Because I'd rather not buy plastic water bottles unless I'm truly desperate.

A Snack: Never forget the snack. No one wants to be hangry in a business meeting right?

Sunglasses: Because it's very likely you'll need them.

An Umbrella. Because today in particular I didn't have one with me and wished I'd thought ahead.

A Book: Because the signal on my train is dire and it winds me up no end. So instead I think I need to read so I don't wind myself up even more over not being able to send emails and being unproductive. 

Makeup Essentials: For me its a Nars Soft Matte Concealer, La Mer Lip Balm, Bare Minerals Lipstick & a Rimmel Lipliner. 

Tissues: If you know me well you know my nose runs whether it's 0 degrees or 40 outside. No one likes a sniffler. 

I really hope this helps any of you guys if you're a new city commuter too - but it will definitely make my life easier in a morning now I have this written down in several places. Feel free to leave your own must haves for your commute below - anything to make it carefree and chilled and I'll update it with anything that sounds like it'll help us all :)

Images taken on a press trip to France with the wonderful Laura Mercier team. 

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