Dear 2020...
A Year Full Of Hope!
In amongst the haze of resolutions, celebrations and anticipations I always take a moment at the end of every year to look back. To let both my achievements and missed opportunities, both my work and personal life and both my highlights and low points sink in. A scroll back through your camera roll can bring such a mix of emotions.
It’s so easy to feel melancholy and dwell on the things that didn’t go to plan and I always feel it’s somewhat human nature to do just that - not being able to see the forest for the trees. It’s actually half the reason why this year I’ve taken to compiling smaller monthly blog round ups, similar to my end of year posts. It gives me a little time every month to recap the wonderful places I’ve visited, the amazing people I’ve spent time with and not let life flash by so fast, which so often happens for me.
After a year that included so many life changing moments, I wonder how the next will match up to it's greatness? Our first home, our beautiful wedding - enough love and sunshine for years to come. So in trying to be more present throughout 2019 and with hopes and wishes in mind for the next year, here’s my open letter to 2020 and hopefully all that it holds.
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Dear 2020...
2019 was simply awesome, and I can't wait to see what the next year has in store. Looking back over the memories I made this year with the people I adore, makes my heart sing. I feel loved, I feel content, I feel grateful and I feel supported as I step from one decade into another. From one opportunity to the next, one adventure to the next, one hurdle to the next. I know there'll be ups and downs in store, life is never linear but I'm hopeful the good will continue to outweigh the bad. I hope that you'll be filled with more firsts, with opportunities to help others, with space to grow and become a better version of myself and with the ability to be around whenever my closest ones need me. I hope that as all of us navigate the next year, we continue to be present, be grateful and be full of joy when it's most needed. I hope that when it seems like there might not be any hope at all, that there'll be a little sunshine that shows the way for those who need it. I hope that we don't put too much pressure on ourselves, that we take the time to celebrate our achievements and that we put our health and happiness first.
I hope you'll be just as incredible as the last,
Victoria x
Happy New Year!