
Multi award-winning fashion, beauty and travel blog, founded in 2012 by Victoria Magrath after the completion of her PhD in Fashion Marketing. Read more...

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Embrace All
Your Sides

Although I try to focus on the positives of what this career brings me, sometimes one topic or a single message plays on my mind, after all I'm only human and unfortunately it's often something negative that sticks with me. I don't know if you're the same as me but sometimes things will just play on my mind until I manage to get my thoughts in order and then jot them down. It's just that jotting them down for me is sharing with you here on the blog.

I've always been someone who is all for taking life at the pace that's right for you because no one path could ever be right for us all. When it comes to relationships, babies, education, homes, careers and every big life change and choice, no single route should be the only one considered successful. 

So what about as life goes on? What about the growth we experience and the things we discover on our paths, that make up the facets of who we are? Just as there's no one right path for the goals we set or the life events we find ourselves experiencing, neither are there only a certain amount of things we can be, do and enjoy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

Here's what's been on my mind... 

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Have you ever had someone say "But you're 'abc' you can't also be/do/like 'xyz'?" Because I have and honestly it really frustrates me. I realise that's a very simplistic way of reacting to something as complex as the above but for what I'm about to say, frustrated feels like it covers all bases. I'm Victoria and I'm multifaceted but sometimes social media expects that I am one thing, I like one thing and I can only talk about one thing. I'm a fashion lover so I can't explore sustainable options, I'm a content creator so I can't have gotten a 'real' PhD, I'm a woman so I can't be confident only difficult, I'm successful in my chosen career so I can't share other aspects of myself/my passions/my worries on my platforms.

Why? Why is that?

Why is it that in an industry dominated and led by women, we're often expected
or even encouraged to be one dimensional?

Just one version of ourselves.

I'm Victoria.
I'm Inthefrow.
I'm compassionate.
I'm forthright.
I'm a creator.
I'm a graduate.
I'm a fashion lover.
I'm a pescatarian.
I'm charitable.
I'm blonde.
I'm a business woman.
I'm a beauty lover.
I'm intelligent.
I'm privileged.
I'm anxious.
I'm a daughter.
I'm a music lover.
I'm published.
I'm generous.
I'm a foodie.
I'm successful.
I'm a worrier. 
I'm an author.
I'm a wife.


I'm all of these things.
I'm all of these things and more.
I'm all of these things and more and all at the same time.

Here's what's on my mind.


You are more than your career. You are more than your relationship status. You are more than your education. You are more than your passions. You are more than your trauma. You are more than your looks. You are more than just one thing at any one time. You are all of the things that you love, take part in, show up for, talk about, are passionate about and take joy from - you are all of the things that you want to be. You are multidimensional, multifaceted and every step you wish to take in those in-between moments as well as the moments that matter, is a part of you and who you are.


Embrace them all and be all of them at the same time if you wish to be. Don't let anyone tell you who you can and can't be, what you can and can't do, who you can and can't love, where you can and can't exist. This life is yours to live how you choose. And don't forget that in a world of social media you don't need to and also can't live up to the expectations that people have placed upon you, without your knowledge. Create boundaries that keep you safe and take the time to respect others in a way you'd also like to be respected. Social media shows us all a highlight reel and an ever so small portion of a life, never the full picture nor the rounded view of who someone is. Give yourself and each other grace as we navigate this life. 


In our current world I feel it also needs to be said
- you are more than your social media account. 

You are amazing.
You are amazing because of every aspect of you. 
You are amazing because of every aspect of you and so much more. 

PS - I'd love to know what you think about the first images we've taken in our new home studio? We decided to play about with the space and lighting and snap a few images last week to test out the room as it is. We've also ordered lots of backdrops/lighting to be able to adapt what we create in the space so if you have any recommendations of things we may need do let me know :) 

PPS - Thanks as always for letting me share what's on my mind when I need to share the most. 

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