
Multi award-winning fashion, beauty and travel blog, founded in 2012 by Victoria Magrath after the completion of her PhD in Fashion Marketing. Read more...

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My Dream Project
Is Coming!

I've been a part of the influencer industry for around 8 years now and I've been privileged and lucky enough to now call this industry my career, after 6 years of fashion based higher education led me to where I am now. It's afforded me the ability to have gotten on the property ladder, to have collaborated with some amazing brands and to hire a team of incredibly talented people to help Inthefrow tick along as it grows.

From my first forays into fashion marketing at University, through to my PhD focusing on the implications of mobile commerce design and fast forwarding to having written The New Fashion Rules aimed at diving into the impacts of the fashion industry and it's pivotal moments - fashion is a huge passion of mine. It's a true part of me, my career and my lifestyle - so what now?

Over the last 3 years or so, I've been working towards a dream project that finally is coming to fruition and to describe it as a pinch me moment could not be more apt. After lots of hurdles, learning curves, financial investment and important decisions it's time to let you into my little secret and also to ask for your help, now that my dream project is truly coming to life.

The excitement is very real - and so are the butterflies!

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Why do I need your help?

The content I create is for my audience across multiple platforms and I create, develop and share it with you in mind above all else. It's all created in reference to the messages you send me, the comments you take the time to leave, the things you love to buy and the engagement that my social media posts garner. I feel over the years we've built a community of like minded individuals from all corners of the globe and that we have so much in common with each other. We love beauty and skincare recommendations, we're inspired by so many aspects of luxury fashion, we're delving into ways to be more sustainable, we're decorating our homes inspired by each others tastes and we share all of these things, online, together. Together as a community and as friends we better ourselves, we share passions and we progress towards the lifestyle we want. Throughout this progression in my life and my career, the one constant behind the scenes of Inthefrow, has been my desire to create a brand that stems from not only my passions, but our passions and with that in mind and the process already excitingly begun, it's time to ask for a little help if you have the time. 

Below you'll find a link to a very short questionnaire (probably no longer than 30-40 seconds I promise!) that will also let you into the secret of what my dream project is finally. With your help and feedback I can ensure that the decisions I am making are the right ones, that the decisions I make reflect the demand that we have as a community and that once launched the project can continue to grow in the most sustainable way possible while meeting all of our needs. And if you'd like to hear a little more about the project now that I'm able to see our launch in the not so distant future (eek!) you can also head over to this weeks vlog and see more feedback and conversations in the comments too.

Thank you so so much for all of your help and support, I wouldn't be able to see this dream project come to life without you so to have your feedback about this huge next step in my career, means more than I could put into words right now x

Click here to answer the questions for me and also if you'd like to, 
you can sign up to find out what's coming before anyone else!

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