
Multi award-winning fashion, beauty and travel blog, founded in 2012 by Victoria Magrath after the completion of her PhD in Fashion Marketing. Read more...

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The Best Loungewear
For Any Budget

Hands up if you saw this topic coming? 

So many of us have had our routines thrown into disarray over the past few weeks and for a lot of people working from home is a concept they never knew they'd have to get to grips with. Trying to keep to a routine, stay motivated and not let those PJs turn into your daily uniform is not the easiest thing to succeed at. 

As someone who's worked from home for years now, I'd love to know if you'd be interested in hearing some tips and tricks to make the next however long, a little more manageable? Perhaps how to stick to your routine in a new environment, how to keep the motivation high with so much upheaval or even how to cope with your new unexpected work colleague - your partner/sibling/parent etc. 

In the meantime I just wanted to let you know that the blog posts will continue as normal here on the blog to serve as a little escapism whenever you need it and hopefully to continue to use my platform as a place of positivity. 

So for those of us working from home right now and needing a boost, here's the cosiest yet put together loungewear, no matter your budget. 

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The above tee was gifted. 
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Under £25

Under £50

Under £100

Over £100

A huge thank you to the wonderful team at Franck Provost who created this amazing hairstyle.

Images taken as part of Armani Beauty's 20th anniversary celebration. 

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