4 Of My Favourite
Sustainable Brands
Over the last 18 months, my shopping habits have changed dramatically. The questions I ask myself before I even consider adding a new piece to my wardrobe, are far more important then they used to be. As someone who loves fashion and almost everything about it, changing my habits has admittedly, not been the easiest of tasks. However in spite of this and in spite of my career, I shop far less than I ever have and I consider my purchases/intake on a scale I never did, only a couple of years ago.
The outfit featured in this blog post is actually all from the incredible Net Sustain (ad) range, that launched around 12 months ago. A stand alone section on the Net a Porter website that gathers together all the brands that are considered to be, in one way or another, conscious.
Net Sustain gives you the ability to shop brands in the way that aligns with your specific needs. A curated collection of pieces, that tick at least one of the eight attributes making a brand internationally recognised for best practices in the sustainable realm. Not only is it the perfect way to discover a better way to shop but it contains some of the most incredible brands you'll instantly fall head over heels for.
Here are four of my current favourite Net Sustain brands that I always seem to make a beeline for, whenever that now rare, shopping bug strikes.
In the interests of full clarity, Alex and I first shot these images as part of an Instagram campaign but I adored the end result so much, I took the opportunity to bring the look over to the blog and chat sustainable fashion in the process.
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The above outfit was gifted.
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The perfect oatmeal knit (ad) I'm wearing in these images comes from one of my favourite brands of the last 18 or so months, London based Rejina Pyo (ad). The brands ethos is one that embraces the long term, which I personally feel so inspired by. They create fashion with the future in mind and they acknowledge that the path is not and will not be simple. They choose to create their collections with materials that are luxurious such as wool, silk and leather but are open in their reasoning behind such considered choices. They curate their clothing this way because of the longevity in wear and the requirement for very little water and chemicals in the manufacturing process, but they also combine those choices with modern developments such as TENCEL, recycled cashmere and much more. My favourites from the brand are obviously their gorgeous knits (I also have this style in a beautiful lemon shade from two or three seasons ago that's sadly no longer available) but I have noticed this seasons offering of on trend khaki (ad) has made it's way into my Net a Porter wishlist. I wonder how that got there?

I think you could've put money on me featuring Stella McCartney (ad) in this rundown and I'd hazard a guess that bet would stem from the fact that two items that made my best of 2019 list, came from the brand. I barely went a day without reaching for my oversized tan coat last year and I wore my 'leather' trousers (ad) so often, I think you may have feared I was trapped inside them at one point. The brand is a true leader in vegetarian luxury fashion, creating some of the most sought after collections season after season and cementing their sustainable title by pushing creative boundaries and manufacturing processes. They utilise recycled fabrics, are pioneering synthetic silks and almost 20 years after their inception, still champion luxury without the need for leather or fur. I've recently been lusting after their luxurious basics (especially my newest lounge pants (ad) with their tapered cuff) and in complete contrast the brands chic evening wear always makes it into my wishlist too.
If you've never had the chance to discover Ninety percent (ad) before, get ready for so many of their pieces to shoot right to the top of your 2020 wishlist. You may recognise the cosy track pants (ad) I'm wearing in this look from Instagram but also from my vlogs over on YouTube. The reason I think you'll recognise them? I've barely worn anything else in the last couple of months, especially on my more casual days. Perfect for home days, travel days and actually - every day come to think of it! The brand are relative newcomers to the sustainable space, but one that's making huge strides in so many ways. The brands quirky name is reflected in the fact that they donate 90% of their profits to charitable causes (you can have your say which ones benefit when you purchase your own piece), as well as crafting their clothing with beautiful organic materials and in their own words they 'put planet and people before profit'. If you're like me and crave contemporary yet classic pieces that are super versatile, then say hello to your newest fashion love, that's also incredibly reasonably priced.

Another brand that has always resonated with my own view of step by step sustainability is the incredible Mother of Pearl (ad). You may remember I worked alongside the brand and BBC Earth during London fashion week and learned so much about the way they champion conscious living being integrated into your lifestyle. They believe that the small changes we make create the biggest tidal waves of impact and in an industry that can sometimes seem all or nothing for a sustainability beginner like myself, that is so encouraging and doable. The brand utilises natural fibres where possible knowing that they have less of an impact on the environment in comparison to materials that eventually break down into micro plastics. My personal favourites? Their statement yet wearable dresses. One of the only brands that can truly push me to step out of my fashion comfort zone and into a whole new world of pink - I need somewhere to wear this strapless dress (ad) immediately!