Why We Should Celebrate
In an age dominated so heavily by social media and the constant feeds brimming with likes, comments and shares, it's easy to forget that our number one fan should be ourselves. We spend our lives sharing a curated ideal of how we want others to see us, which is creative, fun and completely inspirational. More importantly however, I feel we need to take a rather large step back sometimes and be the first to congratulate ourselves on our successes, rather than waiting for others to do so - in order to feel like we do in fact deserve that congratulations.
Of course it's wonderful when the right person recognises our hard work, but there is so much more that we do in life, that others may never get the chance to even briefly see, that should be applauded too. And why shouldn't we be the one to applaud it? I try to be the first person that is proud of anything that I do - from the first incarnation of an idea, right through to the finished product. It's something I used to shy away from, feeling almost embarrassed to show self pride, but now it's something I wish I saw more.
As life goes on and those lives become ever more reliant on social media, it becomes so much more important to me that we become our own cheerleaders way before anyone else does.
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Confidence isn't arrogance, the two should never be confused. Don't get me wrong I've met my fair share of arrogant individuals in life, we all have I'm sure, but meeting someone who is full to the brim with confidence in themselves is an entirely difference experience. It's part of why I try so hard to recognise the things I should be so proud of. When I think of my life goals, my 3 & 5 year plans and the markers I would like to achieve in my life, they are all created with myself in mind. I set those goals for myself because they will make me happy, they benefit my life in certain ways and because I would like to work towards them in my life. So why should I not be the person that when I achieve said goals, personal, career based or otherwise, that jumps around the room and gives myself a huge well done. It actually makes more sense that I am that person, than anyone else!

There's a very fine line with sharing your achievements, like with all great things, but make no apologies for loving yourself and celebrating your most loved successes. My wonderful friend Patricia is a huge inspiration to me when it comes to shouting about the steps she's making and there's no mistaking the pride she has for her endeavours. It's truly incredible to see everything she does as an entrepreneur, a content creator and a family woman. Her work ethic and self love is so admirable.
It isn't just the huge, 'life changing' successes that should be congratulated though, it's the day to day ones that are just as important in our lives too. If the previous day was a wash out, then celebrate you getting through it and moving onto the next fresh start. If you didn't quite hit that goal within the three year plan, then congratulate yourself on how far you did get and just reassess. And if today's success was simply getting through the working day and getting through that to do list, then that's just as applaudable in my book as any other goal!
Celebrating yourself should be a big part of your life. It's simply about appreciating how far you've come, about allowing yourself to see yourself in a positive light and about taking time for yourself. You should be the top of your priority list, achievements and all.
I just remember reading a comment once years ago, from someone who said that I liked to compliment my own clothing. That I would say things like "isn't this dress so pretty" (or similar) and that I was obnoxious for doing so. I found it baffling. That I wouldn't be allowed to praise an item of clothing that I had bought and that it was so arrogant of me. So I started doing it more. And do you know what, if you want to compliment yourself because you feel amazing today, or your hair's awesome, or your skin's looking fab, then talk about it to your hearts content. You're allowed to love yourself and the things you have in your life.

I'd love for this post to be the encouragement you need to love yourself that little bit more, to pat yourself on the back a little harder and to celebrate every success you have, whether others see them or not.
Be your own biggest cheerleader, you deserve it x