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5 Iconic Moments
I'll Always Remember

I think I'm in one of those pondering moods right now. We just got engaged, if you didn't hear EVERYWHERE I post online. Yea, sorry about that if so hah! I'm just very very excited, after 8.5 years with Alex, and after talking about getting engaged in what seems like forever. I'm still over the moon with excitement.

So over a meal we ate this week, me and Alex got chatting about the fact that that engagement moment is probably engrained in our memories as an Iconic moment in our history now. And so we got onto talking about which other moments have stuck with us over the years. And it was the perfect topic for this post. Especially as these photos involve the stunning Iconic Chains collection from THOMAS SABO; the two went hand in hand.

So in the interest of sharing, here are five Iconic moments in my life, that I'll never forget. 

This is a paid for advertorial with THOMAS SABO.

I'm a THOMAS SABO Ambassador!

First things first, a new Iconic moment for me - I am proud to announce that I have just become a THOMAS SABO Ambassador. This is a dream come true for me, as someone who adores THOMAS SABO, their jewellery and everything they design. Their style is so similar to my own, and to Alex's, that it is literally the perfect fit for me, so when they asked me to be named as their ambassador, my heart skipped a beat. What a moment, and what an honour to be asked to fit this position. I am over the moon and so proud to wear their jewellery; not just as an avid adorer of the brand, but as their Ambassador.

The Iconic Chains by THOMAS SABO collection. The look is inspired by body piercing, with the clasp symbol being at the heart of the design. Whether in the solid bar silver Iconic Chains ring or matching silver bangle, through to the earrings, pendant and Iconic Chains necklace, the clasp embraces punk inspirations from the 80's and offers an eye-catching, expressive feature for the wrists, hands or décolletage. The chains can be worn alone or in a layered look to enhance any outfit, mixing contemporary with luxury styling to reinterpret classic THOMAS SABO designs. Mix and match together for your own personal look. This set I've paired together in the photos has become a personal favourite for me for casual through to the most glamorous of occasions. 

Our Engagement

Let's kick off with the most recent. We were in Vancouver, riding bikes along Stanley Park bicycle lanes, taking in the mild breeze, the dull light seeping through the cloud of smoke covering the city from the nearby forrest fires, and gently peddling in the most casual way we could have. We rode around the Park until we came to a spot where the city opened up in front of us. Vancouver, where we had just cycled from, was right across the water - the skyline from left to right and only the sea between us. It was beautiful. I asked to stop and sit on a bench that was free, so we could just take in that moment. And as we came to a stop, and parked up our bikes, Alex thought it would be a perfect moment for us to take a jump shot, with the view. If you don't follow Alex @harrison on Instagram, he has this 'thing' he does now, where he jumps into the air in front of a view or backdrop, and I capture the moment for him. And so he set up his camera on the floor and got us ready to jump in front of the Vancouver skyline. We jumped and landed, and on our second jump, as I rose into the air, I looked to my left to find him down on one knee. It was so him, it was perfect.

My Graduation

I have two in the bank for this one, but it's my PhD that stands out the most for me. Mainly because it was sweat and tears that got me there. I had to wear that funny PhD hat, and a long gown, and all of my tutors, friends and work colleagues were there to cheer me on. My Mum and Dad were together in the crowd, I was wearing a cream dress with blue bead embellishments that I adored and I felt so proud of my achievements. Six years of University education were over and I was armed with a degree, PhD and a whole lot of excitement for what was next.

My First Day of School

I was four, with the cutest blonde bob and pretty, red and white pinafore for my first day at school. I was literally screaming my face off, scared of what was in store for me around the corner into the classroom, and my Mum looked so anxious at my current disposition. The teacher came along and got hold of my hand and softly reassured me it was okay. But I still continued to scream "Nooooo" and "Mummyyyyyy pleaseeee", as she stood bewildered and unsure what to do next. Luckily, school was my favourite time ever and I just needed to be dragged away from my comfortable place into the classroom to realise that.

Our First Kiss

Me and Alex have known of each other since we were 16, through mutual friends. We became more associated when we were at University, only as we saw each other now and again in the same clubs. But it was at aged 20, out in Satan's Hollow - Manchester's best dive bar rock club, that he plucked up the courage to ask me on a date. Must to my amazement, as honestly (although he would deny this to the ground) he had shown no interest in me prior, so this was all new information. I agreed to a date, and his next question was, 'Can I kiss you.' SO CUTE. And of course I was like "erm, yeaaaa okay". And in the interest of TMI, we spent the rest of the evening kissing and the rest is history. Love at first kiss I think.

My First Home from Home

Moving out was something I dreaded when I was younger. I remember my Mum talking about it with my brother, 5 years my senior, when he was discussing what it would be like to move out to University one day. And the thought made my cry my eyes out. Mum reassured me that come the time, I would revel in the idea of moving away from home, but at aged 8, the thought of leaving my Mum's side made me scared to my bones.

She was right though, as when it came to the day I moved into my University halls, I was so excited at this new life I was about to lead. My own place, with my friends, in a huge city and a brand new job to start too. That day, I grew in confidence and started a brand new chapter in my life. It was the one of the best things I ever did - and one of the reasons I always try to inspire others to move out of their home when they head to Uni. There's nothing like it.

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Those are my most iconic moments so far. And I still can't believe that I am a THOMAS SABO ambassador. Pinch me moments.

So, what's your most iconic moment? What time will you never ever forget? I'd love to hear from you all, especially as you are all in different parts of your life. I bet you all have some wonderful stories to re-tell. 

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