5 Ways To Be Better At Your
I'm always striving for more in life. And as far back as I can remember, I've been that person that sees so much more to achieve at the end of the tunnel. Determined to be great at my job, no matter what the role might be and what step on the ladder from my true success it is. From a waitress to shop assistant, student, to lecturer, to content creator - there has always and will always be more on the horizon to aim for. But how can I succeed without compromising what I'm investing my time in right now?
The long term goals, the dreams I envision and just how I'll be able to get to them, are my driving force to be the best I can be now and in my not so distant future.
There are so many pieces of advice I've been handed over the years, on how to be the best version of myself and so many on how not to lose sight of the end goals, but what about being the best at my job, right here and now? Here are my top 5 pieces of advice to stay ahead of your career game and more importantly to be the employee you strive to be.
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I will always remember chatting with one of my best friends about what she looked for in the people she hired and her answer was so simple. People who make other people's lives easier. She looked for employees who not only did their job well, but who helped others to do their job well too. People who always think about the repercussions of their actions and of supporting and working for the rest of their team. No single cog is bigger or more important than the whole machine. That piece of advice has always stuck with me and even now, being self employed, it's still something I crave in colleagues and something that I try to do for the people who work alongside me daily. You may well have a goal, an aim or a dream but considering your team as you work towards it will benefit everyone and even if this isn't a long term role? Think about that future job reference and what information you'd like it to pass on to your next employer.
I have always been fairly confident in my abilities, with parents who were pretty great cheerleaders, but I am definitely a victim of imposter syndrome when it comes to celebrating my own successes. When I experience people congratulating me on a 'job well done', I often find I don't give myself the pat on the back I deserve and instead I'm worrying about whether it really was a 'job well done' at all. I need to remember that I got to where I am today because my hard work and passion paid off and everyone would do well to remember that too. No matter what your career or position, your work ethic means you deserve to be exactly where you are. Cut yourself some slack and believe that you deserve to be where you are, working towards where you want to be, with fire in your heart and a great head on your shoulders. Go for it and be the best you can be for you and everyone else involved!
It's right to be fully committed in what is needed of you right now, but always look to the future if you really want to be great at your job. There is no better feeling than being prepared for whatever your role may throw at you and being so prepared that you become someone people can truly rely on. Think about the doorways that could be about to open and you'll find that not only do you have yours and everyone else's backs covered, but you give yourself the ability to grow. Always being one step ahead, isn't a case of being better than your colleague, it's a form of insurance for this step of your journey on the way to your goals. So yes, be the best employee you can be right now for everyone involved, but always have that next crossroads visible on the horizon for your own sake too.
A true 'no brainer' for me. 'Surround yourself with amazing people' may seem like a real cliché, but sometimes they are clichés for a reason. How do you plan to grow, to develop, to be better at your job, if you don't surround yourself with people who will help you to do just that? No matter your job role, there will always be someone you can look to as a mentor, as a support and as an inspiration to do and be better. Being self employed can be a particularly lonely way to work but where I can, I've made the choice to work with and alongside people who can make me a better person and worker. People who inspire my creativity, people who encourage me to work harder and people who challenge me, to be better at my job. Your growth doesn't just come from inside you, it comes from all those you choose to surround yourself with.
Another tidbit from a wise friend of mine, you can never ask too many important questions. How will you learn to be better at your job without asking the right questions, to the right people? If you truly want to improve, then asking questions is a huge part of that growth and that constant learning curve. It certainly isn't a sign of weakness to show you don't know everything there is to know already. Not only will it note your interest in your role but it'll help you to process the right information, which is key to growing as a valued employee. Don't be afraid to ask the questions that haven't already been answered, they may well be the most important questions you ask and help you to stand out as someone who sees this as an important career step and not just a temporary stop gap. No one ever got to the next stage in their career by staying silent.
I would love to hear your most important words of advice on how to be great at your job below! My favourite thing about career topics like this, is seeing us all sharing our tips for each others success and how we championed ourselves along the way.