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Why I Want to Be a Healthy, Happy Morning Person


I Need a New Me

I’ve been having thoughts the last week or so. I need a reboot. Or a total refresh or just anything to get me back onto a path I’m happy with. I’m desperate for a healthy, happy life – and whilst the mindfully happy part I’ve got down to a tee, I use the word happy in the sense of feeling calm, relaxed, content and pleased with the sort of life I’m living. At the moment my lifestyle certainly isn’t healthy and as such it doesn’t feel overly happy either.

It all stems from the fact that I haven’t been to the gym since January or eaten a nutritious diet that I feel good about. Since before I went to the Maldives for the first time, when I felt fit and lean and raring to get into a bikini. Since then, I have fallen off the healthy train big time and back into a place I don’t want to be. Plus, it’s having a knock on effect on my life that I’m not overly keen on and I want to make some changes. To become the best version of me, or what I assume could be the best my personal, physical life could be.

It’s interesting that I’ve been feeling this way, after seeing a number of bloggers mention similar topics over on Twitter. In fact, I just read a fantastic blog post by Clare of Iliketweet this morning, about the Real life morning routines of successful women, where she has taken so much time to speak to a range of brilliant ladies about what they actually do in a morning; I guess to find if there is a correlation between early risers, health addicts, organised people and so-called success. After reading it, in honesty not everyone rises at the crack of dawn, but they’re generally all up, about, eating their healthy snacks, piling on their wonderful skincare regimes, and at their desk before the first email comes in. And it was Clare from IlikeTweet, like I, who spotted Emma Gannon, of the fabulous podcast and paper back Ctrl Alt Delete mentioning that she was reading a book about the Morning Routines of Successful people. Emma too, is not a morning person, neither is Clare, and at the moment neither am I. I cannot tell you how many times in interviews I have been asked what I do in the morning, and I guess it’s for a similar reason to this topic, that people would like to know how everyone else is spending that important time in the morning.

Because it is important. It can set the tone for your entire day. Whenever I do wake up earlier, get my self together quicker, not pick up my phone before I’ve cuddled with Alex or had breakfast ready the night before (hell yes for overnight oats), I feel like a different woman. I feel motivated, alive, determined to continue this productivity into the rest of the day. On the flip side, waking up at 9, looking at my phone until 9.30 and then only eating breakfast at 11 means I literally don’t do any work those mornings and my day gets pushed back. Hence why I work until 11.30pm and wonder why I’m up so late.

So this is it. I’m inspired and I want to make changes. I’ve been thinking about what that version of me looks like and who exactly I actually want to be and this is the conclusion I’ve come to…

The Intricate Dance of Diet and Exercise

Let’s start with the health part first. Looking at these pictures I look pretty slender, healthy and happy. Well to me, it’s not in the way I want to be. Everyone has a goal for how they want to feel, how they want to look and no matter how much or how little weight you have on you, you’re still going to find flaws in yourself. I worked really hard last year to get into the shape I’m in now – or at least the shape I was in in January. A lot of squats, weights, cross trainers and hours spent at the gym, to really get toning up the areas I have never been overly fond on.

Diet is the biggest part of a person’s journey to their ideal shape, size and fitness levels – eating the right things, at the right time and in the right amounts. Exercise is that huge bonus that tones you up in all the right places when your diet is on point. But when I stop going to the gym, my eating seriously suffers. For months I luckily ate really well, so that even though I wasn’t exercising, I wasn’t changing shape. But the past 8 weeks, too many amazing foodie moments and trips have meant old eating habits have crept back in (cheese, chocolate, crap…) and I’m starting to lose the shape I was loving. My own fault entirely, and yep I’m going to be making changes.

Diet and exercise sit hand in hand. If I exercise, I eat well. If I eat well, I’m inclined to exercise. And the opposite on the flip side. So I just need to get myself back to a healthy routine. I’m going to get back to Psycle classes, I’m going to start some of my days with Barrecore again and I’m going to give Heartcore a try in Notting Hill. I love fitness classes – I just don’t like getting out of bed to go to them, so primarily I’m going to change my attitude. I truly want to get up, out, into my gym wear and over to a class that can set me on the right path for the day. And I know I can do it, just with a little push from myself and knowing how incredible the benefits can be.

It’s all about routine

I need routine. The reason I haven’t exercised is because I have barely been in the country since mid January. And if I have been, I haven’t had the time to get over to the gym. But I’ve realised it’s because I’m always so tired, in a bad routine where I go to sleep at 1am, don’t wake up until late and then I’ve missed a few hours in the day that would have been perfect for a workout; or at least some more work. I’m sure some of you out there can totally relate. Too much work, no energy, no desire to go anywhere other than the sofa or bed.

So, I’m changing my ways. I intend to get to sleep most nights by 10.30-11, meaning that I wake up no later that 7. I want to be one of those people who wakes up, heads into the kitchen for a coffee, sits in the living room listening to jazz on the Google Home whilst the sunshine makes its way across the room, before getting into my gym leggings and walking to my nearest yoga class. How calming and productive a life that would be. But as a self-employed person, this could be me, easily, and I want it to be me. In honesty, the jazz and coffees is a thing that’s happening most days to set us in the right mood, the sunshine absolutely not, thankyou London, and the gym and a 7am start is an absolute no. But it could be, and I want it to be part of my new routine.

I want to feel like part of a yoga or spin class again – it’s been so long since I felt those after-gym endorphins that I’m literally craving them. As soon as we return to London tomorrow, I want to get my new Gymshark leggings on and head right over to the gym. To stretch, squat and shake away those cobwebs from the past three months. I want to feel my legs toning again. I want to feel amazing after meals, because they have no dairy in them. I want to feel that little more alive and on top of my sh*t. That’s who I want to be, right now. Those successful women who get up early and get themselves ready proactively for the day, they don’t have the exact same routine, but they have a hell of a lot in common.

I just want to be the old me, the person I was when I had my routines and my motivation to be as healthy as I could be. I want to be that person, but better. More productive, more energetic, more eager. I want to eat more fruit, cook even more veg, walk from place to place more, make smoothies every morning, go to yoga again, go to spin classes three times a week, lift weights again. I want to be the best version of my physical self. Super healthy and really mentally and physically happy. And at this moment in time, I’m feeling my most determined and my most motivated. So who’s with me?!

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Are you a morning person? What is your trick for getting yourself up and about and ready for the day  – or is it literally just an early night and some motivation? I’d love to hear your tips whilst I embark on this new journey of early morning self-discovery!

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