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Why Happiness Is My Number One Priority


Happy & Healthy

I’m really enjoying my recent mindset. I feel full of positivity, perspective and most importantly, above all else – happy. I mentioned this a recent post, and the feedback was so amazing that I thought I’d cover another aspect of it. Moving past the perspective, into just personal happiness. It’s most definitely easier said than done, to make the positive choice rather than the one filled with aching self doubt, but the outcome over the past few weeks/months, has shown me it’s always the right choice for me.

I’m naturally a happy, bubbly person, but I’m fully aware that even the smallest of issues can derail my whole day and my happiness really shouldn’t depend so much on anything but me. It isn’t healthy and I’ve come to see that when I’m happy, motivated and positive then I’m healthy, both physically and mentally.

I often come across the saying ‘If you can be happy on your own, you can be happy in a relationship’ and for me this doesn’t necessarily only apply to you and your partner, it applies to friendship and everyone you choose to share any part of yourself with. This isn’t to say, that I don’t have a number of priorities in my life – family, Alex, friendships and my career being just some of them, but happiness alone affects every single one of these for the better and I’ve recently seen this first hand.

Here’s why I’ve realised that happiness is my number one priority and why this mindset, is definitely here to stay.

Happiness – it seems such a simple, childlike idea. I often think about how happiness is truly unique and means so many different things, to so many individuals. For me, narrowed down to it’s simplest form, it’s the feeling of contentment, the feeling of being grateful and the ability to see the positive, through the inevitable negativity. It’s the calm you can choose to restore a little perspective, when things start to get just too much. My recent trip to India opened my eyes to so much, including how happy everyone I was lucky enough to meet seemed, no matter their situation. Yes, you never truly know a person by one brief meeting, but you can definitely feel true happiness emanating from someone if it’s present. There’s so much going on in the world, and we are each fighting our own unique battles, but some people have the ability to shine with happiness because they choose to fill their lives with perspective and love. I want to be one of those people. Happiness can easily be the universal key to so many of those doubts and worries that appear from time to time and if it’s not this time around? Then at least you’re spreading some good vibes to someone else in the world, when they might well need it the most right now. And that in itself it’s beautiful, is it not?

I guess you could say it’s a domino effect. A true knock on effect, from happiness, all the way through to so many different aspects of your life.  A tree with numerous load bearing branches, grown from the choice to plant a little sprout of happiness. A little happiness, a little perspective, a little positivity – the ultimate wellbeing trifecta.

If I’m happy, I’m productive with my work. My words flow easily, my smile shines in my images (which a few of you have recently mentioned, thank you!) and I have the ability to be inspired by my social feeds rather than feeling overwhelmed. If I’m happy, I’m relaxed in my home life. My time spent with Alex is fulfilling, my talks with friends spread my good mood and I soak up how lucky I am to have a home to call my own. If I’m happy, I’m inspired to be a better version of myself. My desire to exercise increases, my craving to treat my body well, both mentally and physically, intensifies and I take the time to realise that it’s my choice how I choose to communicate with another. If I’m happy, then everything else slowly falls into place. 

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I would love to know if you’re prioritising your own happiness? And how it’s changed your own life since focusing more on your own self and wellbeing.

Shots taken at the beautiful Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai

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