Do You Need A New Challenge?
There are so many ways to interpret the words ‘a new challenge’ – just how challenged do you want to be? Perhaps you have a new job and you’re still figuring out your job role. If this is the case, it’s the perfect time to talk to your boss about how you feel your expertise could be used in other/more ways. This isn’t a cue to tell your boss how they should be utilising you (they’re still very much in charge) but a probationary meeting can be the perfect time to feedback that you’re enjoying the work you’re doing so much, you’re already looking to expand your role. Perhaps it’s time to give yourself a pat on the back, for coming as far as you have done and at the same time think about how you could benefit, not only you, but those around you. Maybe you work for a larger firm that offers training, qualifications and fast track courses to internal promotions? If you feel you and your workplace could benefit from something you’re passionate about, then voice your interest in the next step – you might be surprised at the outcome. Perhaps it might even be the scariest and most exciting prospect of all – is it time for a complete career change? A decision of course, not to be taken lightly, but maybe that new challenge you’re looking for isn’t just a new role, but a career you’ve always longed for – is it time to make it a reality?

Are You Overworked?
Lots of people thrive on the pressures of work and the constant stream of tasks hitting their desk, but even the most motivated individual can burn out if they’re not aware of their own limits. I hold my hands up and say that although I like to think I know my limits, I burn myself out both physically and mentally, way sooner than I think I can last. It’s only when you take that long weekend, that early finish or that work from home day, that you suddenly realise just how exhausted you are. Being overworked (and sometimes underpaid along with it) benefits absolutely no one. You may think you’re giving 100% but in reality, you working on caffeine fumes and not much else, definitely won’t produce the standard of work you’re proud of. Remember, your boss isn’t a mind reader! If you willingly take on a workload, that’s more than you can handle, the jobs will continue coming your way until you A) let someone know you need a little help or until you B) make a mistake – I know which one I’d prefer! The second your workload becomes accomplishable, you’ll be much happier in your role!

Have You Reached Your Limit?
Sometimes in life we can come to a standstill, especially in our everyday job. You can really, truly love every aspect of your job; from your wonderful colleagues, to the work you do, to the amazing customers you deal with on a daily basis – but deep down you know when you need more from your work. For your own sake. It may be that you don’t have the qualifications to advance in your career, without going back to school or you may have already worked your way up to the highest level possible. Whatever the reason, there’s always a way to start afresh and achieve more from your work, than you do right now. One of the best things you can do, is talk to your colleagues and more importantly your boss. Perhaps don’t walk straight into their office and tell them you’ve achieved all you can at their firm, but maybe your wants and needs will align with a new role they’re looking to create and unless you ask you’ll never know! While completing my PhD, I wasn’t aware I could become a lecturer and just how much I would gain from that role, until I asked for career advice from a colleague and hey presto – one of the most fulfilling roles I’ve ever experienced came into my life! Be brave and be bold – you deserve to be happy in your work!
Do You Need A Change Of Scenery?
I know exactly what you’re thinking – I’d be happy in my job if it took me to the Maldives too! I’m not saying you need to fly half way around the world to get the creative juices flowing, but sometimes the same routine, the same view and the same old attitude can be the biggest hinderance to your work. It can be something as simple as revamping your desk. Add a few more touches to stimulate your mind, or maybe even the opposite – get organised to stop procrastinating every time things get a little overwhelming. It’s all personal choice. For me, when I’ve been staring at the same four walls and the view from the same window all day, I take my lunch break outside the flat and switch off for an hour. Sometimes that fresh air and new view is enough to break my routine and blow the cobwebs away and sometimes it’s not quite enough. Remember, it’s not just your work space that can need a change of scenery, it’s your head space too. A long weekend, with a digital detox, might be just what you need to reignite the passion you’ve lost and lend a hand to jumping back into your role, with a fresh perspective. Put yourself first!

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I’d love to know if you’ve been in the same situation and what you did to change things for the better! Sometimes a fresh start or a new challenge can be just the thing we need to inspire and fulfill ourselves!
Images taken while staying at the luxury Soneva Jani resort in the Maldives, celebrating the launch of Benefit cosmetics new BADgal Bang Mascara.