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Experiencing My Childhood Dream: A Journey to NASA

This is a paid for advertorial in collaboration with Ted Baker


Fly Me to the Moon

And let me play amongst the stars
Location: NASA Kennedy Space Center
What did you want to be when you were a child? Try to think back to the person you were aged 10 and what you dreamt about being when you grew up. Apart from praying to be the sixth member of the Spice Girls, my main career aspiration was to be an Astronaut. I was obsessed with space. The idea of being fired up into the sky and looking back on the Earth below gave me butterflies. I had posters on my walls of the planets, I had stars on my ceiling arranged into constellations and I had a clock on my wall of Saturn, that I had made in my Year 3 Art class. I was hooked. Star Wars was the VHS tape that I would watch with my brother every weekend and Armageddon was my favourite film. I promise I’m not making this up.

It was only when I reached my teens and realised that Maths and Science were the subjects I wouldn’t manage to get an A* in, that I accepted my dream would never come true. I was a creative, artistic person, certainly not someone who understood the complexities of pi and algebra. Instead, I took artistic subjects in College and the rest is history.

That is until the Olympus Pen Passion Project came along. And I got my chance to chase the stars.

Whilst I’ll never get the chance to fly into space, this was a trip unlike any other I would ever experience. For any astronomy admirers, this was the ultimate journey. It was in the planning for a whole year, since I first discussed the concept with Olympus. They created the #OlympusPenPassionProject, to allow four bloggers to experience their childhood dreams and live out a project about their ultimate passions. And so, Olympus organised a trip of a lifetime, where I could travel to Nasa and watch the stars from the Space Coast. And there was nothing I wanted to wear more than the new Ted Baker Christmas Collection. So I packed up two suitcases filled with Ted Baker clothing, shoes and bags and headed to the stars.
Here I was, at the Kennedy Space Center within the NASA complex, standing beside rockets and boosters that had travelled into space. The Atlantis Space Shuttle lies inside the centre and journeyed to the stars 32 times to re-equip the space stations. This is a mock up, to scale, of the boosters and fuel tank that took the shuttle up to space.

We wandered around, from Control Rooms to Rocket Gardens and even had lunch with an Astronaut. All whilst I literally had the biggest smile on my face. I wouldn’t be going up to space, but just being amongst some of the coolest space equipment and relics was enough to help me live my dream for a day.

What did you want to be when you were younger? Any other budding astronauts out there? I can’t wait to hear what your dream career was and what you could do to make it a reality for a day!

A big thankyou to Kennedy Space Center for being so wonderful as to let me shoot photographs at the park.

A big thankyou to Olympus for making this dream a reality.

A big thankyou to Ted Baker for always supporting my vision.

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