All of our paths are different because they are our own; labels don’t define us nor should they define our relationships with the ones we love and care for. Just as our lives shouldn’t be restricted to certain pathways, neither should the little detours. We are unique and so are our relationships, and I guess we should embrace that. Just because there’s no ring yet, it doesn’t mean there’s no engagement in the pipeline and if you don’t know where it’s going, then have fun finding out!
“I don’t know where it’s going, but I like where we are.”
Northcote – Worry
Let me know your thoughts on this little conversation and if maybe you ‘feel’ engaged but officially aren’t or if perhaps you love the idea of the official act and the ring on your finger. I would love to know if your path took the traditional route or if you decided to go your own way. And on a more exciting note if you have an amazing wedding Pinterest board to share with me, please do!
Photographs taken in Varadero, Cuba with Virgin Holidays. Just go here if you’d like to know more about a Virgin Holidays trip to Cuba!