To me, Inthefrow represents POSITIVITY and I love to keep my blog a place were people can visit and know that there will be just that waiting for them. We all need it in our lives at one time or another and I pride myself on the fact you can type my website into your browser and find something that will hopefully make you smile or offer some beauty/style inspo. I am not a blogger who will ever slate brands and spread negativity on here, that’s just not me even in my personal life. I may use beauty products and they may not work for my skin type, I may not particularly be pulled to a certain fashion brand over another and I may not enjoy a particular event as much as the previous but I will never use my blog to express distaste for a brand/company as a whole just because one item or event didn’t work for me. Fashion, lifestyle and beauty are so personal, that what doesn’t work for one may well be perfect for another: I would never want to stop someone’s self expression. I will of course always give you my truthful opinion on any product I use but much prefer to fill my blog with my favourite things that I can wholeheartedly recommend to you and that you may love to own yourself.
To me, Inthefrow offers a place of SELF CONFIDENCE where I can write down my inner most thoughts and advice in the hope that my musings may help someone else to love themselves, just as I am learning to do. 4 years ago I was not the same person as sits behind this computer screen right now. I was filled with anxiety about where this hobby was starting to take me, I was a student struggling to get by earning a part time wage and just like everyone else I had self doubt in aspects of my life I now don’t. I believe in myself and know damn well I can achieve what I set my mind to. I am learning to love my mind and body just as I should do and if even one of my posts in this little corner of the internet can help boost just one individual.. then I am doing something right. I don’t proclaim to know everything there is about looking after yourself mentally and physically but having belief in what I do is a pretty good start.
To me, Inthefow is a platform where I get the chance to talk about GOOD CAUSES that are close to my heart. It’s only right that I should use my channels to team up with and talk about charities and initiatives that I feel strongly about. Recently, very proudly I may add, I became a hair ambassador for L’Oreal Paris, a complete dream come true. Along with this came the amazing opportunity to partner with The Prince’s Trust on their #allworthit campaign and I couldn’t be more honored to have had the chance to tell my story and empower others. The BHF is another charity I support from donating clothes to their stores, being sponsored to give up chocolate last year (if you know me you will know I love hot chocolate!) and opening a pop up shop with them raising thousands of pounds in the process. From these incredible charities to talking about mental health, bullying, smears and everything in-between I am so grateful for my platform and the ability to share so much with so many.
For me, Inthefrow is an arena for CREATIVE GROWTH, especially for myself. 4 years ago I didn’t know where this blog would take me but along the way I have learned so much and where possible I try to pass on what I have learned. After all that is part of how I grew. I never knew what shutter speed I should have been using in outdoor settings, what angles were my most flattering on fashion shoots and I definitely didn’t know enough about SEO. Now I devise posts about how to take better Fashion Photos, how I Evolve My Own Posts from conception to hitting publish and my personal tips on Growing Your Following in the right way. I thrived on posts such as these from bloggers that inspired me and the feeling that I may be able to do the same for someone else now, feels happily like coming full circle.
How do you see your blog/platform in this ever growing world of social media? I would love to hear if you have an end goal for your space or something great that you aspire to be a part of as it evolves. Let me know below!