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Why I’m Taking Christmas Off This Year


Why Christmas 2016 Will Be Different

Out Of Office: Please Leave A Message
Through the curated Instagrams/tweets/posts over previous holiday seasons you may think I have always embraced the chance to spend time with loved ones and over indulge in a few favourites while catching a well deserved after lunch nap on the sofa. What you may not know is that I have been so dedicated to my blog that the past few trips home for Christmas have been overshadowed by work.

More often than not my phone has been glued to my hand and my laptop has been the elephant in the room for my family as I have panicked over a deadline or stressed about making sure my social platforms are updated. To many of you this will come as no surprise (you may even be nodding your head in agreement), as you all know I admit to being someone who can’t slow down without a huge feeling of guilt bearing down on my shoulders. Others may ask how I can’t be swept up with the Holiday spirit and choose another glass of port or a cheeseboard over checking my emails? Well this year I intend to embrace Christmas fully.

I have made a promise to myself for my own sake and that of my families, that I will enjoy the days over Christmas to the fullest, and that apart from perhaps a couple of Tweets/Instagrams to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (That’s all I swear!) that my emails will go unanswered and my phone will not need it’s own seat at the dining table.

I feel that this Christmas I owe it to myself and to Alex to relax and soak in the very rare occasion of everyone coming together to love and be loved, the times that sometimes pass us by all too quickly. So why will I be taking Christmas off this year? Because life is too short and I know this is one decision I should never regret.

What I Will Be Doing Instead This Christmas:

Watching Miracle On 34th Street. Probably more than once.

Cooking Christmas Lunch With Mama Frow

Indulging In A Baked Camembert or 2!

Browsing The Boxing Day Sales (Obviously!)

Beating Alex At Trivial Pursuit

Drinking Sherry and Port like it’s going out of stock

Cuddling with my family Westie, Isla, whilst she parades like a prinny.

Visiting Our Local Pub With Friends, pretty much every evening.

 & Relaxing!

What are your plans this holiday season? Are you finally embracing the chance to relax for the first time this year too or do you have other ideas? Let me know below!

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