
Multi award-winning fashion, beauty and travel blog, founded in 2012 by Victoria Magrath after the completion of her PhD in Fashion Marketing. Read more...

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10 Things I am Thankful For

Conrad Maldives

10 Things I Am Thankful For

It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy.



For the first time in a long time, I have an idea of where I’d like my life to lead. It is so difficult to know where your journey will take you and you often makes steps towards something you feel is right at that given time. But recently I’ve felt more settled, sure and excited about the roads ahead.

10 things Im thankful for



Having healthy, happy friends and family around me is all I need. As long as they are all safe and well, nothing else truly matters as much as family. England is pretty darn lucky to have a health service that looks after society, no questions asked. And it has looked after so many people I know, who are now better than ever. If you have your health, the rest is easy.

10 things Im thankful for
10 things Im thankful for
10 things Im thankful for



In both love and life, the people around me are happy and positive. My Dad just started a new married life with a wonderful lady, whilst my best friend will soon tie the knot and move to the Windy City. We should never take these wonderful, happy moments in our lives for granted.

10 things Im thankful for
10 things Im thankful for



Not everyone can state that they are truly happy with their career or current position, and yet I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be able to do the things that I do. I have worked damned hard for the opportunities, but I still feel grateful every day for the experiences I have had and may continue to have. It’s why I had ‘Arise’ tattooed on the arch of my foot. It reminds me to wake up and make something of each and every day.

chanel wallet on chain blue herringbone



I had no idea that I would ever see so much of the world as I have already. I have been away so many times already this year and I have so many plans for the future. I adore having the ability to bring this beautiful and interesting content to the table for you guys. If you can be inspired by somewhere I’ve been, something I have thought whilst away or by an item I have worn in a particular location, then my work is done.

10 things Im thankful for
10 things Im thankful for



Myself and Alex are moving to a new apartment on Saturday. Whilst I’m not overly enjoying the packing, throwing away all the items we don’t need is really satisfying the clean freak within me. But the main thing is that myself and Alex have lived together now for 16 months and are stronger and happier than ever. We have made our flat a home, and will continue to make the next one just as cosy and suited to us and I feel so lucky to be able to set up a home in this fantastic city.

10 things Im thankful for



I could not manage my day to day if it wasn’t for the team behind me. I’m sure you all know that I am looked after by Gleam Futures, and if not, then you do now. But I could not ask for a more encouraging, enthusiastic and supportive team. I feel on top of my game recently, and its down to the creative people standing my corner. That also includes friends and creatives who may help me along the way and keep me motivated.

In this Photo
Black Swimsuit



Whilst we are moving to yet another flat and have lived together for quite some time now, its pretty clear to see that Alex is a huge part of my life. He looks after me and puts a big smile on my face whenever I need him to. And that’s all us girls need. A great hug, a shoulder to cry on, a confidant, a best friend and a lover. He fits my specifications pretty darn perfectly.

10 things Im thankful for
10 things Im thankful for



Living in a society that offers me freedom to say the things I like, whenever I like, as long as they are of no harm to others is a gift. With the rise of social media, everyone has their own voice to project and be heard and everyone has the right to their own opinion, regardless of their sex, gender, skin colour or life choices. But freedom to be the person I want to be, to go where I wish and to live the life I choose is a wonderful thing.

10 things Im thankful for



On those days when I need to vent, cry, share or laugh, I have a friend on the end of the phone. And a number of them, all over the country who I am so lucky and proud to call loyal friends. They have supported me throughout education, career and various life choices and will always be there for me no matter what. Even when one of my besties is miles away in Chicago, she will still be as close to me as she ever was. I thank fate, that I was given the chance to bump into the people that I now call my bestests.

conrad maldives inthefrow

If you could name just one thing right now, that you are super duper thankful for, what would it be?

Photos taken during our trip to Conrad Maldives

Flights to Male with Emirates

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