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Five Ways To Live Your Dreams


The Land of Hopes and Dreams

Every time I board a train recently, either overground or underground, I have this consistent urge to sing a song by Bruce Springsteen called Land of Hopes and Dreams. I have taken to playing it on my phone for parts of my journey just to get it out of my head. In the song, Bruce and his E Street Band build up to an epic chorus that sings of people’s journeys to the Land of Hopes and Dreams, all aboard a big wheeled train ride. Of course, it is all a huge and wonderful metaphor for everyone’s personal journeys to a new life and how much they need to have faith in their dreams in order to get there. And I adore the sentiment so much that it makes me all kinds of emotional and inspired.

It got me thinking about dreams and having faith in the person and life you aspire towards. And how much we all set goals based on a dream we have made for ourselves. For me, I have a five year plan I’m hoping to head towards, and I know so many other people who have the same. And those are my dreams and the life I hope to lead. Everyone has their own, and sometimes you just need to keep on course, board the train and hold onto your faith. Here are five tips that could help.

joseph bryce dress, celine box bag and H&m balmain

“Dreams will not be thwarted. This train, faith will be rewarded”



Whilst anyone can have a set of goals and dreams they hope to achieve, they will probably find that the biggest hurdle to overcome will be themselves. Self-doubt, lack of inspiration, exhaustion and loss of faith are a number of emotional factors that each person will encounter when it comes to continuing or dismissing their goals. Sometimes it is far easier to give up and take a much simpler pathway, but it is those that push through and keep their faith in their dreams that will be those who lead and succeed.

joseph bryce dress, celine box bag and H&m balmain

“You don’t know where you’re going now. But you know you won’t be back.”



I find that planning out a timeline and setting markers for where you hope to be, and what you hope to achieve, in a certain amount of time, is a great way to set targets to live out your dreams. I have my own personal five year plan, with markers that now may appear unreachable, but yet if I never made those targets, I would never have a reason to push myself harder. Dependant on what career you are living or aspiring to, setting a marker for each following year, where you hope to be, how much money you hope to be making, how many people you hope to be managing etc. will only help you to stay inspired.

But remember that it is okay to not always be where you want to be, at a particular point in your timeline. The earth doesn’t always turn in the way that we expect and there will always be hurdles to throw us off track. Although it may take you a little longer to reach your five year plan, at least it will help you to stay on course and to measure your progression. And when you reach those goals, it’s time to look at your next five years!

joseph bryce dress, celine box bag and H&m balmain

“Well, big wheels roll through the fields where sunlight streams.
Meet me in a land of hope and dreams.”



Every career has a certain number of steps, small and large, that you will need to follow. You should not be fooled into thinking that University education alone will enable you to walk into one of the highest positions in a company. It is an amalgamation of a number of steps that will enable a person to succeed rather than another. And these steps are educational, character building and experiential. A fashion buyer will have had experience working on the shop floor before they moved into a head office position, in the same way that an Area Manager of 20 stores will have managed one or more stores on their progression. Experiences and internships are one of the best ways to learn, grow and develop as a person both in character and in career knowledge. Without internships and first hand experiences in the field you hope to move into, you are unlikely to progress in the way that you aspire. Additionally, having hobbies related to your career goals will be a much easier way to learn and understand your subject. For example, for anyone interested in a fashion career, even the smaller interests such as reading Vogue, researching the latest catwalk collections or reading industry led blogs, book or magazines will massively improve your personal knowledge.

eiffel tower paris

“This train carries saints and sinners. This train carries losers and winners.”



Anna Wintour didn’t walk into the position of Editor-In-Chief of American Vogue straight out of College and without getting her hands dirty along the way. The most successful people in their field have grafted and earned their positions, and they most certainly will have not done so without faults and failures. There will be bumps in the roads and big challenges to overcome and maintaining positivity and faith in your journey can be testing. But remembering that you are only human and understanding that challenges will strengthen both your character and your knowledge is a key element of staying on track.

joseph bryce dress, celine box bag and H&m balmain

“People get ready. You don’t need no ticket. All you gotta do is just get onboard.”



As Steve Jobs once said to a group of keen University students, “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” is a quote he used to inspire youthful minds to maintain determination and eagerness but to embrace naivety and to always be willing to learn new things. If every person with a new and seemingly crazy idea was to throw it away as an unachievable dream, there would be no progression or improvements to be made. It is the inspiring dreams and ideas of inquisitive minds that encourages change. Whilst you might have some pretty huge dreams to reach, remember that if you have enough determination, the sky is the limit. Aim high, stay inspired and remember to enjoy every moment.

joseph bryce dress, celine box bag and H&m balmain
joseph bryce dress, celine box bag and H&m balmain

What are your dreams and how are you planning to achieve them? If you have any tips that are keeping you inspired, please do leave any ideas down below!

Any person can be whoever and whatever they hope to be; it will just take a lot of hard work, optimism and determination along the way. Stay confident, inspired and foolish, at every step of the way!

Good Luck!

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