
Multi award-winning fashion, beauty and travel blog, founded in 2012 by Victoria Magrath after the completion of her PhD in Fashion Marketing. Read more...

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An Exciting Announcement

This involves you!…

I was going to keep this quiet, but I actually think it will be more worthwhile to tell you straight up. As new, loyal or long-time readers of Inthefrow, hopefully you have gauged what it is that you like about my blog. Whether it’s the photography, or the logo, or the layout, or the content, or something totally different. But I’m sure there are things that you would change, to give you an easier viewing experience perhaps, or just something else that you’re looking for, from a blog that you read. 

Well, the thing is, Inthefrow is going to be undergoing a makeover, very very soon. In fact, it will be relaunching in the height of summer and I could not be more excited. I am taking it to a whole new level and making it something unique and more fitting to my current style and tastes. I’m calling the transition, Inthefrow 2.0, mainly because I’m a bit of a geek and I’m THAT excited.
And thats where you come in. I really want to know, what you would like from a blog? Is there something missing currently that you would like to see or use, on here? Is there something you would change? Is there something that you think is entirely redundant and you never use? For example, does anyone actually click on the posts within a sliding, alternating post bar anyway? I know I don’t, but do you, and would you like to see a rotation of posts within a slider? Or something else. Are there particular blogs that you think the design is beyond incredible? Let me know. And what type of blog posts are you really enjoying reading, from me or others? Perhaps I could do more of what you love? I just want to hear your feedback, as research is the key to learning and building great things and I want to build something amazing for you.
Please please leave me your comments below, I really need your help to build you something you’d love to come back to. Thank you so much for your prolonged support of Inthefrow and I cant wait to bring you something wonderful!

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