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15 Ways to Feel Better About Yourself

If you’re having a down day, and just need a little help getting out of your pity party…

We all have those days, when we feel down in the dumps, either about something happening at work, relationship drama, or that we just hate our reflection in the mirror that day. These are some of the things that I try to remember to do, when I’m feeling that way. Try them all, or just try one or two. They’re tried and tested and always work for me. 
1. Get up at a reasonable hour. Cleanse with your favourite cleanser.
2. Tan your whole body. A body tanner and a face tanner so you’re totally covered. Leave for as long as you need to. The ST Tropez 1 hr Express Tan is my current favourite. Tanning really helps to heighten my mood, dramatically. I feel so much better about my body with a tan.
3. Throw on an old onesie, make yourself a large drink, and chill out for a few hours. Watch Youtube videos, play Friends episodes on repeat, or read an inspirational book. Watch comedies or positive shows on television. Keep your mood high. Ring your best friend or mum, for a chat. Keep it all about the positives and ideas for the future.
4. Tidy your abode. The tidier it is, the more relaxed you should feel. It will help your mood immensely afterwards. Go through your makeup drawers, and throw out everything you don’t use, or that is out of date. Pull out old favourites in your collection and use them in your makeup that day.
5. Shower, with your best smelling shower gel. And afterwards, moisturise with the matching body lotion. Or any that you have that makes you smell like a goddess.
6. Find your best matching lingerie set. Preferably black and lacy, that makes you feel at your sexiest. Wear it and spritz yourself in your favourite scent.
7. Moisturise your face with a brightening and illuminating moisturiser and an eye cream. I am currently in love with the Lush Million Dollar Moisturiser. Nothing does Dewy like this bad boy.
8. Apply your favourite subtle, no-makeup makeup look. Some tinted moisturiser, light brows, volumising mascara and a pale pink nude lipstick will suffice. Just give yourself a natural glow that makes you look awake and fresh.
9. Brush your hair. If it isn’t looking right, give it a curl, or a straighten. Nothing too over the top. Whatever it takes to make you feel a little more like you.
10. Wear your favourite pair of jeans and white tee. Something you feel cool, casual yet sexy in. If you need to wear your stilettos for an hour or so, go for it.
11. Listen to one of your favourite albums. One that you havent listened to in a while, but that reminds you of awesome times.
12. Head out to your local store and buy in lots of foods that you love, preferably healthy. You want your body to feel positive too, so theres no point filling yourself with sugars only to feel guilty and crap again later. Lots of fruits maybe, to make yourself a yummy strawberry or mango smoothie, would work a treat.
13. Make a list. Of everything you hope to achieve in the next year, and what you’re going to do to achieve them. Whether its finding a new partner, losing two stone, changing your diet and health or really working on your skincare routine. Make a list and tell yourself you can make that change.
14. You could also throw exercise, a mini workout or yoga, into the mix. Check out Yoga by Adrienne on Youtube, she is fantastic! Or sign up for a new gym or set of classes. Do it now, before you forget. 
15. Make yourself a big glass of water. With ice. And preferably add some cucumber into there or some strawberries. It’ll perk you up, taste yummy and is great for your body. Try to keep it up, day on day. Your skin and body will thank you for it.

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