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Inthekitchen: Healthy Food Delivered to Your Door

Healthy Food Delivered to Your Door from soulmatefood

You may have heard of Soulmatefood already, or in fact, just the idea of having boxed, healthy and delicious meals delivered to your door step…

Or perhaps its just an idea you’ve dreamed about most nights before reaching for the phone to call a pizza. Me and my other half are trying our very best to be (somewhat) healthy. Filling our cupboards with fibre, vitamins, proteins and healthy snacks, in order to kick the unhealthy food habit. But for most, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Healthy and interesting food can be difficult to find in your local Tesco, often costs a lot more in your usual weekly budget and leaves us scratching out heads as to how to make the ingredients taste incredible when combined together. For most, and I know I include myself in this, it leaves you falling back into your old ways and opting for an easy and simple dinner, or pizza, or curry, when you just cannot be bothered to inspire yourself to cook. So, it was time to try out something new.

Me and Alex decided that we fancied trying Soulmatefood, a healthy food delivery service that combines “science, nutrition and love” into their weekly food plans. It’s all pretty simple. You choose a menu of food that suits your dietary or nutritional requirements and you let Soulmatefood know your food loves and hates, as well as your body stats (so they can get the right amount of food to you). We went for the Balanced Menu for delicious, healthy but exciting meals. Then they have it prepared by chefs, boxed up and delivered to you in two shipments. Monday-Wednesday and Thursday-Saturday. The shipments appear on your doorstep overnight, or are delivered late on the evening before, tucked neatly inside a cooling box with ice packs and menus for the week. 
I was wary that some of the food may be a little bland or uninteresting, when in fact I was blown away by the majority of dishes. You are sent a breakfast dish, lunch and dinner, with a healthy snack for am and pm. It means that you do not need to eat outside of this regime, and by doing so, you will help get your nutrition or diet back on track. I found the food was just enough for me and I felt so much cleaner eating from a set menu. Some of the dishes were especially yummy, combining foods you would usually eat but without the added treats on the side. Such as a caramelised onion and goats cheese frittata for breakfast, BBQ pulled pork bun with broccoli slaw that was incredibly moreish for dinner, with lemon chicken bites as a snack at 3pm. Each day was different, with a variety of breakfasts, lunches and dinners and it was exciting to check out the days menu in the morning. So if you were wondering as to the quality and taste of the food, I give it a big thumbs up. It was fresh, well-prepared and really delicious. 
Alex found it wasn’t quite enough for him though, being a big eater and with the dishes being of slightly similar portion to mine. So, if you’re a male, I would look into the menu choices a little more. But for my body size and type, it was a wonderful amount of food. I felt full and healthy without the bloated and uncomfortable feelings. 
I’ll be totally honest with you though. This is a rather expensive plan. At £180 for a weeks worth of food, it would cost myself and Alex £360 a week following this plan. This is technically £30 a day, at £10 a dish and snack. That is a lot of money, for two people who are not desperate to diet and on regular London wages. Whilst I appreciate healthy living is a big investment, in terms of your weekly food shop going up considerably, I am certain that a couple could spend a lower amount of money, and be able to make similar dishes that are just as yummy? Right? Its just that this gives you convenience and is perfect for anyone with a fast and busy lifestyle. Your food is made, ready for you, every single day and tastes delicious. For those that have a little more disposable income, and need some help with dieting or getting their nutrition right, this might be a great investment for a month or so, just because it saves you from accidentally treating yourself, or snacking when you’re not supposed to. It also saves you from adding that bar of chocolate into your shopping bag when you’re in Waitrose. 
So, for me, I’m in two minds. I loved trying this for a week, the food was yummy and nutritional and it certainly made me feel better. But the price is a big investment and I feel only for those that either have a great need for healthy foods, or those that cannot be bothered to cook.

But for those of you who are intrigued, I have a 10% off code for you – Inthefrow10. At least that will  help you save just a little extra.

What do you guys think? Would you be willing to spend this much on a meal plan, delivered fresh and delicious to your door? Id love to know what you think about it!

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