
Multi award-winning fashion, beauty and travel blog, founded in 2012 by Victoria Magrath after the completion of her PhD in Fashion Marketing. Read more...

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LFW AW15: Ashish, Camo and Patchwork Furs

LFW AW15: Ashish, Camo and Patchwork Furs

Trashy makeup and a lady of the night theme…

London Fashion Week finished as it started. With a bang. Ashish was my final show of the season and definitely a firm favourite. The clothing was fit for the high class call girl, in all honesty. Based around the red lace up boots in varying lengths, the models wore studded bleached denim, sequined camo and patchwork furs – pinned, stapled and sewn together seemingly. It’s the first I have really seen of sequins, and it was cool to see sequins in patterns rather then block colours for the season. Fur trims accompanied sequin hareem trousers, oversized shirt dresses and jackets for a heavy collection of fabrics and deep colour. And whilst some of these pieces may be a little out of the box for your liking, faux fur is absolutely around for autumn and camo and denim could be following.
To catch up with all of the London Fashion Week AW15 shows that I watched, just go here. I really hope you’ve enjoyed reading my highlights and getting inspired for Autumn. But first, who’s excited for spring already!?

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