220 student reports later, and the Christmas marking stint is over. I have finally finished my career as a Fashion Retailing Lecturer at the University of Manchester and I’m out on my own as a full time Blogger and Youtuber. I’ve already had some negative comments from people who believe my career choice is putting my PhD and degree to waste, but I don’t think they could be any more wrong. My PhD enabled me to grow Inthefrow to where it is now, not only through my knowledge of writing and the English language but through the freedom of flexible time. Furthermore, my PhD taught me so much about marketing, branding and the fashion industry, which I am now practicing every single day. I dont think thats a waste. Do you?!
Blogging and Youtubing is of course not a career move for everyone. Students and teens who are now stating being a ‘Youtuber’ as a career aspiration, may as well state ‘Opera singer’, ‘Football player’ or ‘Rock star’ in the same sentence. Becoming a Youtuber or blogger is not something that gets handed to you. It takes a lot of hard work and determination to build it to the stage of becoming full time, and even then you might not make it in the long run. There are some critics in the world that believe blogging and youtube is a joke and that we sit around all day twiddling our thumbs, taking selfies and ranting on Twitter, which could not be less true. We spend hours and hours photographing, writing, reading and socialising, in the name of brand building, creativity and success. Its a 24/7 job, unlike most out there, and I’m pretty frustrated at those that have formed some hatred towards it, namely journalists and those in traditional media positions. It is a full time career and a very exciting one at that.
This is my future career, as of today. New Years Day, the first day of my new life and the first day of 2015. 2014 was the most incredible year and taught me so much about myself, my opportunities and my possibilities. I was signed to Gleam Futures, starred in a music video, met a number of my favourite Pop Stars, travelled to America, passed my PhD and gave up my full time job, not to mention fell totally in love with my partner. We are moving to London together in a matter of days and I’m hoping that that is what makes 2015 so special.
Happy New Year guys! Thankyou for 2014 and here’s to the future!
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