
Multi award-winning fashion, beauty and travel blog, founded in 2012 by Victoria Magrath after the completion of her PhD in Fashion Marketing. Read more...

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Saturday at LFW with Julien McDonald

The most exciting date in the fashion calendar came around again, and it was by far the best year yet..
What I Wore:
Long Black Duster Jacket
Statement Gem Necklace
White high Neck Tee
Black/Navy Peep Toe Heels
Black Leather Look Trousers

So it was Day one and I awoke in the most incredible king sized bed at the ME Hotel. This hotel is literally the best place to stay for fashion week, as Somerset House is a stones throw away. So I got myself up, showered, make up’d and worked out what on earth I was going to wear. I was lucky enough to be taking over Boohoo’s instagram feed for the weekend, so I was wearing all Boohoo clothing. I went entirely Monochrome, and when you see the LFW day two post, you will see the theme continues for the entire weekend. But Ive realised recently that I wanted to change up my bright and vibrant style somewhat for the A/W season. So black and white it was, and I was pretty happy with the overall look. With my colourful hair, I felt just that one pop of colour would suffice. I got a lot of compliments on it, so I think a number of people agreed. 
My first show of the day was Julien McDonald. I know, I feel extremely lucky. I have loved Julien McDonald ever since University when I studied fashion and wrote a piece of work about his LFW collection, back in 2007. Ever since then, he was a designer I kept my eye on, so to be able to go to one of his shows was a dream come true. There was a star studded frow, as I spied Tanya Burr, Millie Mackintosh, Nina Nesbitt and a number of other lovely fashion celebs hanging around. I watched from the standing area in the balcony as the models made their sequence through the aisles and back to where they had come from, stopping only briefly for a quick pose for the paps. At the end, Julien made his appearance, waved and left and the show was over. Five or so minutes and a magnificent show later, the magic was over. But I was so pleased to have experienced it. His clothing was exceptional this year, with the most stunning embellishments, ruffles, textures and draping fabrics. I would have worn every piece in that collection.
After Julien, I wandered around Somerset House, getting stopped and papped around every corner, (so surreal) and bumping into a few of my lovely blogger buddies for a chat. The whole area is just a buzz, with so many cameras clicking and the cities best dressed stumbling over the cobble stones. I will be writing a post really soon about the best ways to get yourself to Fashion Week and how to make the most of it, so if you’re inspired, then hold on for that for next season. 
What do you think of my LFW day one outfit?

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