
Multi award-winning fashion, beauty and travel blog, founded in 2012 by Victoria Magrath after the completion of her PhD in Fashion Marketing. Read more...

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Tom Ford Eyeshadow Quad in Orchid Haze

If you watched my latest video, you will see me applying this beauty as an everyday makeup item. Because it has become an everyday staple that quickly.

Tom Ford Eyeshadow Quad in Orchid Haze

It was on a recent trip to Selfridges that my bestest buddy Steph realised that she hadnt yet bought me a birthday present, so of course, I headed straight to the Tom Ford counter. I had been eyeing up the quads for so long, but the £65 price tag was definitely detering me from making the splurge. So what a perfect time for a present (dont worry I put some money towards it!). It was hard to decide on which colour combo to go for, as there are so many absolutely stunning shades, but if you know me, you’ll know I love purple eyeshadows, so Orchid Haze was the one. A shimmering champagne, shimmery taupe, cranberry and matte deep mauve purple sit side by side and can form a number of beautiful pigmented eyeshadow looks. I often go for the usual champagne inner corner, taupe to the centre of the lid and wing it out with the cranberry or purple, depending on how dark I want to go. They blend better than any eyeshadow I have ever used and will stay put for an extremely long time. They literally dont budge all day. Plus, the packaging is just so special, I would buy this just for the box. But this is now an everyday staple and something I will most definitely repurchase when I hit pan on my my most used shades. An amazing present or even just a lovely splurge for yourself on payday. I’m planning which quad to buy next already!
Have you got your eye on a Tom Ford eyeshadow quad?

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