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Recycling your Old Clothes

Recently I have noticed that my wardrobe has expanded a bit too much. I can no longer fit any extra garments on my hanging rail, in my wardrobe or even inside two large chests of drawers, so the situation is becoming ridiculous. I decided to have a clear our, to remove any clothes that I no longer wear, hoping to be as brutal as possible. I have so many older pieces also that I have had in a bag for ages, waiting to upload onto eBay, but I just always forget to do so. I was having a think about it, and I realised I had a few options open to me for gaining some cash for old clothes, so I thought I would share them with you.


The usual suspect and the one that often takes the most time, and disappointment when eBay take their 10% and Paypal take their 6%. Not to mention the cost to list in the first place. When you’re only selling something for £5, your actual income is pretty much pennies and it can be a bit of a let down when you’ve spent so long listing your item. Yet, I find for items I want to sell for over £40, it can be one of the best ways to get what you deserve for your item and a few times I have sold something for a great price and been so happy that I ventured to the biggest site in the world for some help. 

Blog Sale

Something I have been toying with for a while now is the blog sale. Its a great way to sell your unused garments and items to other people who obviously have similar tastes to you, as thats why they are reading your blog in the first place. It means that your clothes aren’t lost in a massive seas of others, like eBay, but at the same time, the chances are that you may not feel as comfortable selling your old clothes to people who know who you are. At least eBay has a sense of anonymity about it where as the blog sale lets you bare all to your followers. Yet, its something again that can take a while to upload, but I think when it is sorted and uploaded, you will probably reap bigger benefits than eBay. 

Charity Store

If you’re not too bothered about making a profit off of the clothes you paid a pretty penny for, then perhaps taking them kindly to a charity store might be your best option. There are so many around that would love to take in your old clothes to help others and there are a number of websites that also allow you to send your old clothes to them. Dress for Success is one place that you can send work apparel to and there are so many others such as the Red Cross and Clothes for Charity. Especially around this time of year, there are companies that would love to take your old clothing to send as gifts to third world countries and the feeling you get for donating in this way is amazing. Plus you clear space pronto. 

Car Boot Sale

If you love the hustle and bustle of a car boot sale, then you could pay a small amount, around £12, to take your old clothing and other bits and pieces and sell them to the car boot crowds. Again, its quite a quick way to get rid of clothing thats taking up space and you also get the added benefit of being able to haggle your prices. Nowhere else really offers you that choice, unless your blog readers love a good haggle. 


Online Clothing Stores

There are also places that you can donate clothing to that will pay you a certain amount. Cash for Clothes is one of them and pays by the kilo, yet it isn’t all that much. However, if you’re getting rid of 20 kilos of clothes, you could make yourself about £10, which is better than nothing. There are also a few others around that will pay a little bit for particular items, such as MusicMagpie who can accept up to 500 items, but again it does take time to go through each item and work out what its value is. But if you’ve got the time on your hands, and you’re fed up with eBay, this could be an option you’ve not thought of. 

After putting that all down onto paper, I think I’ve convinced myself that setting up a blog sale might be the best option. Get ready for lots of dresses and t-shirts guys!

V x

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