
Multi award-winning fashion, beauty and travel blog, founded in 2012 by Victoria Magrath after the completion of her PhD in Fashion Marketing. Read more...

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The Rihanna for River Island Party


You know that life is getting a little surreal when you’re invited along to a private (and secret) Rihanna for River Island launch party. I didn’t know what to  expect but I knew that whatever was going down at this event would be something pretty special. The Oxford Street store was already buzzing when we arrived, myself and the lovely Sarah, fashion assistant at Company, that is. We got ourselves a glass of bubbly and wandered around the aisles of Rihanna clothing to take in the new collection.
The pieces are very much urban street style, with camo prints, baseball jerseys in blues and yellows and cute crops, bodys and bags emblazoned with G4LIFE and RIRI. Just in case you weren’t aware whos collection you were wearing. All really cool and urban, with pieces that you can mix into an outfit to give it a little more edge. I will definitely be picking up one or two pieces as soon as.
Rihanna finally made her way into the store, with a new, long mullet hairstyle and blue lipstick sporting a letterman jacket from her own collection. She looked so laid back and chilled out and for a second I actually forgot that I was stood a metre away from Rihanna, mega superstar and a huge music and female icon. It was then that the party really started as Rihanna, her models and BFF Cara Delevigne drank, danced and laughed in the corner of the room whilst we all just looked on longingly. Yet, it was a far better position than outside in the rain.
This was an amazing event to cover and I was so happy to have been asked along. I got to see Rihanna, checked out the new #rihannaforriverisland collection and shmoozed with Champas for the evening. Cant get much better than that!
For a little extra info, check out my full length article on the Company website.

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