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Badger Sleep Balm

( Badger Sleep Balm – £6.99* )
This is one of those products for people with sleeping difficulties. I have tried similar products before from This Works, all containing lavender, as it is brilliant at relaxing and calming therefore making it easier to sleep. This product is a temple rub and is applied to the temples lightly before sleep. The petroleum like balm contains lavender and bergamot which of course relaxes the mind and with extra virgin olive oil and beeswax, the product is entirely natural and organic. I think that even if this was applied every night, the product would probably last 6-9 months due to how little you need to apply. Im always a little dubious about products of this nature and I think that the magic all comes down to the calming scent of lavender. I dont have trouble sleeping fortunately, so I feel as though I cannot comment on the differences in my sleeping pattern. Yet, those that find sleeping extremely difficult, it may be worth a try. It smells really lovely, applies easily and lavender does always relax me, so it is something I might apply before bed after a long, hard day at work. 
What are your thoughts on products such as this?

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